Monday, March 23, 2009

Catching up......

Well since last post Bella has been sick again, this time with 103 and above temps, not eating/drinking, bad ear infection, and cough. Thank the Lord, she is all better now and spoiled rotten. Bella was moved to the Toddler room today b/c last Friday she bit another child not once but twice. The director said that was an obvious sign she was getting frustrated with the little ones and was ready to move up. Well today she was in the toddler room almost the entire day and even slept on a mat for an hour and a half. Why is it that your children do things for others that they would never do for you? Bella also started saying a new word today, Uh Oh! and at the appropriate times. She is getting so big. Now that she is in the toddler room I hope she will finally start to walk!!! I start my sewing lessons on Thursday, I'm really excited. I plan to learn how to sew a few outfits and then sale them online and at Killgore's Pharmacy, if Bev says o.k. Whitney's baby wore one of the pillowcase dresses I made her today and got several compliments, or so Whitney said. Also, Bella wore a dress I made her to daycare and everyone loved it! So I'm starting to feel better about my abilities. If they look good now, watch out once I learn a little more!! My Nanny is back in the hospital and needs prayer badly!! Megan's local volcano erupted, but she said everything was o.k. Brett and I are stuffy, but I blame allergies. That's about it. I will let everyone know when I post some things online to sell, just look for ThreeBsinapod label!
Until next time.............


Imee Elizabeth said...

So proud of you! I hope we get pregnant soon so you can make my baby something to wear . . . .