Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I need a Nanny!!

Well thanks to daycare and all it's germs, Bella has pink eye again!! I never knew you could get pink eye so often, she just had it in February. I went and picked her up from daycare about 4:30 yesterday after they called me. I immediately went home and started the eyedrops we used last time (per MD orders). I talked with the daycare manager and she said I could bring her today if we started the drops once home on Tuesday evening. Well her eyes were pretty puffy and red this morning, but I took her to daycare anyways. Well about 9:00 they called me and said I had to come get her. When I got there, another kid in her classroom had just been picked up b/c he had it too. So I'm guessing that Mom complained about Bella being there so they made me come get her. Her eyes actually looked pretty good when I picked her up, so I know it had to be the other Mom complaining. Thank God my work is so understanding! If I had a nanny none of this would be an issue, but the good ones don't come cheap!! Bella is doing better with her walking, last night despite puffy red eyes she started walking spontaneously across the living room, no encouragement needed. Then today I was watching TV and all of a sudden I see her walk by. I was so good and didn't make a big deal about it, b/c that's when she decides to sit down. We went to the park again today, perfect weather. She had a blast!! Go to my 2nd sewing lesson tomorrow and we are actually going to sew a dress!!! Yeah!! Can't wait for next week, getting to go home to LA!! Ready for Tate's birthday! Bella's custom made Easter dress came in today, absolutely adorable!! (check out the pic above, the little girl is cute too!) Can't wait to let her wear it! I hope she's walking by Easter so she can participate easier in the egg hunt, if not I will just hold her hand. Until next time.....................................