Saturday, December 13, 2008

5 teeth and counting!

Bella got another new tooth. She has the Left upper canine tooth in now. She is really starting to get the hang of table food. She ate sloppy joe meat and green beans on Friday at daycare. She is eating gerber graduate finger food and chewing or gumming them pretty good. She is not a fan of 3rd food b/c she expects them to be soft and just swallow them, but then she finds a chunk and chokes. Bella had her picture with Santa on Friday as well. She did not smile just looked at him like he was crazy. I'll post the picture if I can. Bella also drank from her sippy cup for the first time today. We decided to get her a different one, b/c she wasn't sucking on her other ones she was just biting the spout. The softer spout made her suck on it like a bottle and then boom, she had the hang of it. She does sometimes drink too fast and get a little choked. Well just one week to go until Megan is here!!!!! Very excited can you tell?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Finally, I'm writing something!

Well I've been busy lately so I haven't had a lot of time to post anything. We are getting ready for the holidays, so that means our decorations have been put up. We had an exciting time so far with our tree. We got it on a Monday night (12/1) and then we hosted small group at our house on Tuesday, so I got up early to decorate Tuesday morning. Well the tree was a hit, but then about 12:30am I woke to a huge crash and the tree had fallen over and everything I worked so hard to put up fell off. So the picture below is of the second attempt to decorate. Well Bella is the only one I have bought for so far, she's easy to buy for, plus I can shop with her and she not realize it's her present:) I'm thinking it won't be like that next year. Brett is driving me crazy lately, he's on Santa's bad list and probably won't get anything for Christmas. All he has asked for is $1500 gun and no way am I buying it for him. He won't tell me anything else he wants, so he doesn't get anything. Well looking forward to seeing Megan in 2 wks exactly from today. I have missed her so much! Please pray for my brother-in-law H.A. as he is in Iraq and pray Megan can cope with his abscence. Well if I don't check in again, I want to wish everyone Happy Holidays.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Another new tooth!

Bella got her fourth tooth yesterday (11/14). She now has both the middle top and bottom teeth. She's ready for table food soon! I went to the Nutcracker Market today with Stephanie. We had a good time, but man was it crowded. We both were so excited to be able to shop at Paul Michaels. We both got some great decorative items for the home and for the holidays. I also found Bella a great dress, so cute (check out the pic below)! I've decided I have to learn to sew, I could be making a killing. Brett and Bella spent some quality time together while I was gone, she gave him a good poopy diaper:). The whole family made a trip to Lowes tonight to pick out our bathroom remodel items. We found almost everything in stock and so far the total cost is well within our budget. We will probably be able to do the kitchen countertops too! Yeah!!! We have a new roof, was started yesterday and then finished today. One problem, we can't cash our insurance check yet. Found out we have to have it endorsed by our mortgage company, so that means we have to send it to CA and then wait for them to send it back. I hope our roofer understands our dilemma and doesn't get mad. Please pray he understands when Brett tells him. Well until next time..............

Monday, November 10, 2008


Well Bella got another tooth. One of her top middle teeth came in over the weekend (11/9 to be exact). She feels much better, poor baby her mouth was hurting. We also made a visit to the pediatrician's office on Friday, 11/7, b/c she had had 3 poopy diapers that were a little loose. The Dr seemed to think she was o.k. could be teething or a little virus. Bella also has red cheeks, rash caused by something, I'm working on figuring out what it is. Besides all these things, she is acting perfectly normal and she weighed in at a whopping 21lbs 5 ozs. She now eats 3 meals a day, and enjoys them!!!! She is getting so big and mischievious! She knows what the word "No" means, but she doesn't listen! So far so good at daycare, they haven't made me mad yet! Please pray that Bella's little cheeks will turn back to their original snow white color. Poor baby looks like she has a sunburn. Side Note: Megan I love the new picture!!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bella's first Halloween

Well Bella went trick or treating to one house, our closest neighbor. However she did give away some candy to other kiddos. She loved her dress, bright colors I guess. She even kept her ears on the whole time. We didn't have as many trick or treaters as we did last year so we have tons of candy left over, which does nothing for my figure. I think I'll take it to work! Hope y'all love the new pics of Bella BOO!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bella's New Daycare

Well Bella started her new daycare today. It was like it was the first time I left her, I was on the verge of tears. Bella on the other hand made herself at home quickly playing with all the cool toys and other girls. Bella slept more today than she has in a long time at her old daycare. She took two naps both about an hr and 15 minutes. She was worn out when I picked her up, b/c she tried to go to sleep again, so she must have played really hard. Her new teacher said she only cried once today and of course that was when she was hungry. I pray this place works out better than the last one. I have a good feeling about it. Well I was supposed to get my first allergy shot on Wednesday, but b/c I have been wheezing pretty bad at night the Dr. won't let me start them until I see him, I think they just want my $35 copay. I'm going in the morning at 7:45 to see him and hopefully get my first shot. I'm ready to be off these steroid inhalers. Brett is working hard at his job trying to get these buildings turned over so he will get a Bonus! before Christmas so maybe we can buy everyone else, besides Bella, a gift. Well that's pretty much all that's going on with the Hammonds. TGIF (tomorrow)!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Our trip home and Brett's run in with the LA state troopers!

Well we drove home last night to Haynesville, LA, got in about 1:30am. This will be our final trip home, from now on everyone will have to come see us! Just Joking, just still a little perturbed! Between Minden and Homer (about 30 miles from our destination), Brett got not 1 but 2 tickets. The first was for following behind another car too closely, WHAT you can get a ticket for that? Then about 2 miles down the road another trooper felt the need to pull us over for speeding, which we were not. The trooper claimed we were doing 67 in a 55 zone, but who in their right mind would speed with the possiblity of a cop being just behind you after being stopped for a ticket? The officer said that it might be due to the big tires and his speedometer might not be calibrated, but did he let us off, Heck NO! So when we finally got to Haynesville, Bella was wide awake due to the pretty Blue lights she got to see twice. She finally went to sleep about 3am, Mom is exhausted! Well, I've decided Brett will fight both tickets, b/c the first one is subjective (we didn't think we were following too close and there is no objective measurement of how close we were following, so it's a stupid reason to give someone a ticket) and the second one is definitely argueable in court. I would love to act as a defense attorney for Brett, but I don't think they do that for traffic citations, too bad. I'll just give Brett all the right things to say! So our trip has turned out to be quite expensive already, despite the falling diesel prices. Brett's birthday is tomorrow and he will not get a present b/c his birthday money is going to the department of public safety and transportation of LA. We talked to our home owner's insurance company and they are giving us pennies compared to the amount we need to fix the roof and interior walls. We now have to get a quote for the repairs and send it in to see if they will compensate us more for the damage. I've been hearing this is pretty normal for everybody, no one seems to get what is due them. Well till next time......................

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bella's new toy and my new gym membership!

Well I finally got in touch with the lady from Craig's List who was selling the cool walker. Megan found the walker for me and sent me the info and then I called her but could never get anything but her voicemail after talking to her on Sunday. The phone tag finally stopped and Bella now has a cool new walker. She was really starting to get bored with her other exercisers b/c they are stationery. Now she'll be able to boogy around the house, which I think will be much more fun for her. Joined a gym today! There is a contest that is about to start up and I'm thinking about entering, it's like the Biggest Loser. It's free and is a good incentive for me to get in shape. I told Brett I had a certain amount of weight I wanted to lose before we even thought about having another baby, so I better get on the weight loss train or Bella could be an only child:)! Until next time.......

Saturday, October 11, 2008

We have a Costume!

Well Bella finally has her first Halloween costume. She will be Minnie Mouse, which is perfect since she Loves!!! Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the Disney channel. Check out the pics below for a little taste of her costume (sorry took with phone and didn't come out as clear as it could have). Please pray for my sister Sarah, having some female troubles in a lot of pain right now. Well I'll keep you "posted" if anything else exciting happens in the Hammond family.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bella's first word!

Bella said her first word last night and it was.......... Dada! What! I couldn't believe it! What about Momma! I don't care, just as long as she's starting to talk, I've waited for this moment since she was born. Bella also started holding her own bottle over the weekend, I just forgot to mention it yesterday on my post. I am so grateful that she seems to be ahead of the game with her motor skills, I just feel like she's growing too fast for Me and Brett to keep up. I still want to do everything for her, I don't want my baby girl to grow so fast. Brett is currently lowering the crib mattress once again, she is trying to crawl out of her bed, which is a No No. Well I went to the allergy and asthma specialist after returning home from Canton weekend. I have had problems with my asthma since Bella was born. I was given 6 medications to start and will have an allergy skin test done on 10/20. I guess if you live in Houston, you are destined to have allergies. My dad's step-mother is in intensive care so please pray for her! Megan enjoy the new pics!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My little girl is getting too big

Bella has 2 teeth now on the bottom center. She has also perfected her crawl. She is soooo fast. She has started a new trick in which she pulls up to stand pretty much anywhere she can reach. Uh Oh Brett and I are in trouble! Mom is leaving tomorrow to go back to LA. We have enjoyed her here, she's been a big help. I decided to start a blog for all those out there who never get to see Bella and I don't have enough space on my e-mail to send out that many pictures. I hope you all enjoy and come back and visit anytime.